Qoo10 (キューテン)

by eBay Japan G.K



eBay official free shopping app Qoo10 (Kuten). Shop for fashion, cosmetics, home, digital products, etc. at a time sale 3 times a day.

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■□Qoo10ショッピングアプリの主な特徴■□かわいくて使えるお買い物アプリ。Qoo10ショッピングアプリは、簡単に「発見」「共感」「購入」「通知」体験をする機能によって、お客様の高コスパなお買い物をサポートします。1. 「発見」を楽しく1日3回のタイムセールでは、ずっと欲しかった商品、つい欲しくなった商品をより高いコスパで購入ができます。2. 「共感」で気軽にお客様が評価する「声」、購入した実際の「写真」を気軽にチェック。購入したい商品はアプリの「お気に入り」機能で、保存・比較の役に立ちます。3. 「購入」は賢く、お得にたまるポイントの利用でさらに割引。4. 「通知」で便利にアプリではお店から発送された商品の配送状況が随時通知でお知らせされ、受け取りまでを安心してスムーズに行えます。■□Qoo10の主な特徴■□1. かわいいトレンド商品から、使える定番商品まで豊富な品揃えQoo10でファッション、ビューティー、デジタル、食品、ベビー用品、日用品のトレンドから定番まで、お買い求めいただけます。2. 1日3回のタイムセールで、いつものショッピングを疑え。普段のショッピングに満足していますか?Qoo10では朝10時、夕方17時、深夜0時更新のとってもお得なタイムセールを実施中。欲しかった商品をさらに高コスパでお買い求めいただけます。3. クーポンのご利用で賢く、お得にQoo10が発行するクーポンや、お友達、お店からもらえるクーポンの利用で、より高い割引率にてご利用いただけます。■□こんな方におすすめ■□・時短で効率よく最安値の商品を探したい方・1日3回のタイムセールでワクワク、ショッピングを楽しみたい方・オシャレでかわいい商品をコスパよく購入したい方・憧れの人のコーディネートを手軽にお得に真似したい方・普段よりもお安くお得な化粧品で、気軽にメイクの幅を広げたい方・サイズや色、素材など、不明点を質問してから購入したい方・定番のブランド商品を高コスパで購入したい方・韓国コスメをはじめ、海外の日本未発売商品を入手したい方・商品の評価を重視し、安心、比較、共感したい方■□公式SNSInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/qoo10.official/Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qoo10_ShoppingFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qoo10Japan/■□お問い合わせ連絡先ご要望、不具合等ございましたら、お手数をお掛け致しますが、下記へご連絡いただけますと幸いです。https://www.qoo10.jp/gmkt.inc/CS/NHelpContactUsQuestion.aspx?kind=&action■ □ Main features of the Qoo10 shopping app ■ □A cute and usable shopping app. The Qoo10 shopping app supports customers high-cost shopping with the ability to easily experience "discovery," "empathy," "purchase," and "notification."1. Enjoy "discovery"With a time sale three times a day, you can buy the products youve always wanted and the products youve always wanted at a higher cost.2. Feel free to "empathize"Feel free to check the "voice" that the customer evaluates and the actual "photograph" that you purchased. The product you want to purchase is the "Favorites" function of the app, which is useful for saving and comparing.3. "Purchase" is smart and profitableFurther discount by using the accumulated points.4. Convenient with "Notification"The app will notify you of the delivery status of the products shipped from the store at any time, so you can receive them smoothly and with peace of mind.■ □ Main features of Qoo10 ■ □1. A wide variety of products, from cute trend products to standard products that can be usedWith Qoo10, you can buy fashion, beauty, digital, food, baby products, daily necessities from trends to classics.2. Doubt your usual shopping with a time sale three times a day.Are you satisfied with your usual shopping? Qoo10 is holding a very good time sale with updates at 10 am, 17 pm, and midnight. You can purchase the products you want at a higher cost.3. Use coupons to be smart and profitableYou can use the coupons issued by Qoo10 and the coupons you can get from your friends and shops at a higher discount rate.■ □ Recommended for people like this ■ □・ Those who want to find the cheapest products in a short time and efficiently・ Those who want to enjoy shopping with excitement at the time sale three times a day・ Those who want to buy fashionable and cute products at a reasonable cost・ Those who want to easily and profitably imitate the coordination of the person they admire・ Those who want to easily expand the range of makeup with cheaper and more affordable cosmetics than usual・ Those who want to purchase after asking questions about size, color, material, etc.・ Those who want to purchase standard brand products at high cost・ Those who want to obtain overseas products that have not been released in Japan, including Korean cosmetics.・ Those who place importance on product evaluation and want to feel secure, compare, and sympathize.■ □ Official SNSInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/qoo10.official/Twitter: https://twitter.com/Qoo10_ShoppingFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qoo10Japan/■ □ Inquiries Contact informationIf you have any requests or problems, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could contact us at the following.https://www.qoo10.jp/gmkt.inc/CS/NHelpContactUsQuestion.aspx?kind=1actionQoo10をご利用いただき、ありがとうございます。更新内容は以下の通りです。 - 検索結果ページの一部改善 - その他の改修